Swedish Massage
1 hr
60 British pounds1 hr 15 min
75 British pounds1 hr 30 min
90 British pounds

Signature Maintenance Massage
1 hr 30 min
90 British pounds2 hr
110 British pounds

Back, Neck and Shoulders Massage
1 hr
60 British pounds1 hr 15 min
75 British pounds1 hr 30 min
90 British pounds

Indian Head Massage
30 min
45 British pounds1 hr
60 British pounds

Manual Lymphatic Drainage
1 hr
60 British pounds1 hr 15 min
75 British pounds1 hr 30 min
90 British pounds
PLEASE NOTE: MLD is not recommended for people with heart conditions, kidney problems, cellulitis, venous thrombosis or an active infection.

Pregnancy Massage
1 hr
60 British pounds1 hr 15 min
75 British pounds1 hr 30 min
90 British pounds
PLEASE NOTE: Due to insurance reasons, it is not possible to perform Pregnancy Massage at Muscle Maintenance Massage in the first trimester.
General Booking Information
Payment can be made online at time of booking or by either cash or card when you attend.
You may need to make your booking ahead of time. Our books can fill up weeks in advance.
We have a cancellation list in operation and will occasionally have last minute availability. Please email or call to be added to the list. Contact details can be found below.